Courage of the Saints
I want to thank you very much for the privilege of being able to speak to the brethren today.
Today I want to bring 2 points from my message for us to think about a little bit with a new prism.
The first point is the moment when Christ was being arrested in the getsemani.
And at that moment, we know that his apostle Peter cut off the ear of a servant. I hope that the brothers do not take this literally, I am not saying that we should use violence and go out cutting off the ears of others.
We have all learned and especially learned to judge Peter for this act of violence, but we put aside a new perspective of the situation.
But look at the size of Peter's COURAGE, he didn't care about his own life, he didn't care what they would say about him or what they would do to him, he simply took an attitude of COURAGE in defending the man that he believed and that we believe is the chosen one, the son of the Father, the Messiah.
Let's think, if we were in that situation and we saw soldiers who are trained to fight and kill, high-ranking leaders, what would you do?
Would you freeze? Would you run in desperation? Or would you defend the one you believe is God's chosen one?
We have several countless scriptural situations concerning courage, and defending the truth and defending those who are chosen to spread the message.
I know very well that the enemy will work in our minds and hearts so that we will be cowardly in defending the truth and defending his enemies, with fear, fearfulness. Fear of what can happen to us, to those around us, what they will say about us.
But another prism to help us in this situation is to see it this way:
I recently read a wonderful reflection text, it says:
"You know that day with the sun above 30 degrees when we go to the beach? And the sand on the beach is white, but extremely hot and we have to go down to the water? And as we walk on the sand to the water, we end up forgetting how hot it is, because we know that up ahead we will have a fresh water, a wonderful ocean to refresh us?"
In standing for the truth, with Christ and the Prophet Berger carrying that message, we need to have the courage of Peter and have the notion, that we will often step on hot sand, but that we have hope for the huge ocean that awaits us up ahead.
"But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, to show that the all-surpassing power comes from God, and not from us. On all sides we are pressed, but not discouraged; we are perplexed, but not in despair; we are persecuted, but not abandoned; we are struck down, but not destroyed. We always carry in our body the dying of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always given up to death for Jesus' sake, so that his life may also be manifested in our mortal bodies." (2 Corinthians 4:7-11)
I want to leave here with the brethren, my testimony about this truth.
I want to bring here my personal testimony of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Which when I heard about the project, the sealed book and our Prophet Berger.
I decided to get down on my knees and ask God with an open heart, and the Savior appeared to me, not once, and I heard from His mouth, that the Prophet Mauricio Berger, is the chosen prophet.
He is the Prophet who has come to bring these truths.
And this prophet, with power, he healed me, he put his hands on my head.
Something that I had been living with for over 20 years and no doctor, even my last therapist believed that there was a healing as fast as there was with me, she disbelieved it.
But by the hands of this man, God's chosen one, I was healed.
I don't need it anymore, I don't take medicine anymore, I don't do therapy.
This panic syndrome was healed by the hands of this man, there is no scientific and medical explanation, that I have lived with this for more than 20 years.
And I want to leave my testimony for you, that if you are brave enough to stand up for the truth.
May you read the Sealed Book, as I have, and meditate and pray.
And ask this same God, and this same God that I have prayed to, will give you the answer.
I challenge the brethren, I am absolutely certain, not only with my word, but with my life, that this man, Prophet Berger, is a prophet of God.
I give this message in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen